Thursday, February 7, 2008

This is why God is in charge....

I know "You know me better than I know myself" sounds cliche, but it is so true. You knew exactly what You were doing when you threw me into a stressful interview situation that eventually got me the job that I love. I pray that you would continue to help me love these people and pray for them. You are the best. I'm serious.
Love, Beth

So, this week was my first week at my new job. I'm teaching Adult English as a Second Language for a suburb in Dallas. Let me tell you about the interview: I went in to meet with the director of the program and I was so nervous that I completely bombed the interview. I was a nervous wreck and I didn't know what to say. I left feeling completely deflated and not confident in my abilities. HOWEVER, before I could even be considered for the job, I had to do six hours (two of the classes) of volunteering. So, I decided to stay and observe a class after my interview. I was sitting upstairs filling out some paper work and the director, Dr. Cisneros, walks up. We had this conversation:

Dr. C: So, we have a problem. The teacher that you were going to observe is sick. Tell me if this makes you uncomfortable. Would you substitute for her?

(Now, keep in mind these three things: 1) I have never been in an ESL classroom before, child or adult, 2) I have never been in any classroom with Adults before, 3) I have never taught in a classroom before. Needless to say, I was freaking out.)

Beth: (completely calm and collected...on the outside) Sure! I think I could handle that.

So, I walked into teaching a three hour class to 25 adults who wanted to learn about household items....and I loved it!!!! The director was in and out so she got to see me work.

I went back to observe a beginning, beginning class. After that, Dr. Cisneros informed me that she would like to offer me a teaching position for the night classes, which I took!

I was really very nervous about teaching because I have never done it before but I do speak English, so that's a start. The people that work there are wonderful and have given me great ideas on how to make learning fun (the classes are three hours long!).

I have been substituting in the morning classes, but tonight I got to teach my students. They're great. The class is huge but I already know their names. One woman's daughter is going to Iraq in a month and she was very upset. I know that God will give me ample opportunities to help these people. Yay God!

Alex is doing very well. He's extremely tired but he is going to do a great job when he finally learns everything he needs to know. For instance, last week they cut him loose. On the schedule, they were supposed to make $57 profit. That's all the product minus the cost of labor/ingredients/oil. Alex ended up making $2700 dollars. That's right. It's like a billion times what they expected. Needless to say, he should be the CEO of the company by March. :)

Thank you all for your prayers. I love you guys.