Friday, August 15, 2008

Unemployment at an alltime high for the Wise's!

So, I (Beth) quit my job a week and a half ago. Surprise! As it got closer and closer to school starting, I started to think about (and dread) going back. Part of it is that I felt like my Spanish wasn't good enough for some of the tasks that they needed me to do and that was just very stressful. Also, over the summer, I've had time to think about what I really want to do and what I really want to do is help people- be out in the community meeting people's physical needs. So I (with lots of discussion with Alex) decided to quit my job.

Now, I'm in the process of looking at various non profits in Dallas and realizing that I have almost no viable "skills" to offer. I guess that's what being a history major gets me. I have a genuine desire to help people, I'm a self starter, and I work well under pressure but those kinds of things don't really come through on a resume. So, if I don't have any success in this round of applying, I'm going to try and find something that will get me by for a while and I'm going to take some courses to get some "skillz". I'm looking at taking a Grant Writing seminar because lots of non profits would need that. Getting my teaching certificate for ESL is also a possibility. Who knows? I'm just praying that I'll end up where God wants me. I really want to be able to be His hands and feet in my job.

I'm trying not to let the whole process stress me out. I had a giant stress canker sore on the tip of my tongue (resulting in a lisp) for 2 weeks but I think I am calming down now. It is good for me to be reminded that my success is not measured in how much money or make, or even if I have a job. I need to find my joy and satisfaction in the Lord.

Alex is doing well. There's a distinct possibility that some openings in the plant would enable him to move to a better shift. He's supposed to find out sometime this week, but they've been saying that for the past two weeks. He gets to go to Houston in a couple of weeks to do a plant audit there and he's very excited about getting the corporate treatment. The hotel he is staying at will stock his kitchenette with the groceries that he wants. I forsee lots of Haribo Gummy Bears and orange juice in his future.

Other than that, we're preparing for our sisters to go off to college. I had my first mountain biking experience on Monday with Alex and Benjamin. I was dirty and tired and I almost punched a tree out of frusteration but it was fun. Halfway through the trail, I almost passed out and Dr. Benjamin the Mountain Goat saved me by sharing some of his precious life saving H2O. (Honestly, I'm a little over dramatic when it comes to my health. I told Alex yesterday that I think I have throat cancer. This statement has not been evaluated by doctors...yet. Haha. ) I think we're going to try and ride to White Rock Lake on Monday. Good luck to us! We're also looking at mentoring a refugee family that has been resettled in Dallas (with We'll keep you updated!

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