Friday, March 28, 2008

The Nutty Professor

I've earned a new nickname with my ESL students. I got a shorter haircut on Monday and it now falls in my face. Well, my teaching aide of choice is a white board and in my frantic writing, I usually just erase things with my hands and they get covered in marker dust. Well, I drove home on Tuesday and watched some TV and relaxed. When I went up to brush my teeth, I noticed that my entire forehead was black. Apparently, in my rush to get my hair out of my face, I transferred black dust to my face. Really cool. The funny thing is that when I told my students about it the next class, they laughed and told me that they had noticed. Then, I did it again and a student told me on the way out. I'm going to have to start wearing a visor or something so that I can stop touching my STUPID FACE!

In later news, my translating job is going along swimmingly. I have decided that I really love working with autistic children. I love the feeling that you get when you really connect with a kid. I love seeing progress in their ability to communicate. Perhaps God will want me to work with autistic children in the future. Who knows? I'm learning alot about speech therapy and I really enjoy being able to help out the therapists. Fun!

Alex is doing good. I'll make him write in this sucker soon. Love you guys!

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