Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Hey guys!

Today, Alex and I have been married for a month. I know that we promised honeymoon pictures but it's been crazy since school has started. God has provided us with a great job tutoring high risk high school freshmen at a school designed to give them college credit. That and reading for school has been keeping us busy!

Alex and I have had a great week so far. I went to bellydancing class on Sunday. I don't know if I'm going to keep going to the class, but I'm definitely buying a skirt. :)

On Sunday afternoon, I had the opportunity to go over to Fadhliani's and watch her and a friend cook, so I could learn. I met Fadhiliani in my Arabic class. She is here on a Fulbright Scholarship from Indonesia. Then they invited over a couple more people and I called Alex. In all, we had 4 Indonesians, 1 Indian, a Russian, and two Americans. It was so fun and we really learned alot (and ate alot).

Last night, we had Eric, my ex-coworker, over for dinner and an episode of Planet Earth. It was really fun but we ate too much. Eric is going to reciprocate the invite by letting us come to his slip-n-slide party. WHOOP!

Finally, the holy month of Ramadan starts on Thursday. As one of the Five Pillars of Islam, Muslims from all over the world will be fasting from food and sex during daylight hours. It is a time of community building and purification (a friend has already asked Alex and I for forgiveness for anything they have done- they say this is a tradition because Muslims want to go into Ramadan with a pure heart.) Alex and I have decided to fast alongside the Muslims. We've been invited to the mosque on Friday with Fadhliani. We'll keep you updated on our comings and goings. We love you!


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