Thursday, September 27, 2007

Well, Alex and I survived our first few nights apart. I went home to good, ole', Abilene last weekend to see my little sister in the Homecoming Court. It was a fun weekend, but I was anxious to get home and see my sweetie.

The week itself was pretty busy. Work and school (as always). Alex had two tests on Tuesday that he studied for and then we switched spots and I started studying for my two tests today (Thursday). Between that, we had Bible studies, chess club, working out, grocery shopping, and...wasting alot of time online (facebook is the bane of my studying times).

Alex had career fair last week and he applied at a few places. General Mills would make us move to Arizona, Minnesota, Arkansas or somewhere where no one else lives. He also applied at Textura ( which could possibly put us in the UAE ( in January. If you are the praying type, we would appreciate some chat time with the Lord. That would be a huge step for a newly married couple. Even if both of those jobs fall through, Alex still has an offer on the table from Frito Lay and that is why God is so good.

We're off to Huntsville State Park this Friday for a break from dumb school. Hopefully it won't be swamped with Boy Scouts (there's supposed to be some kind of national service day). We're going to practice the art of parcour: see .
Hopefully this doesn't mean broken faces...

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