Friday, August 22, 2008

Wise Family still Plagued with "Joblessness"

Yes. That's right. I'm still unemployed (by choice) but I've got a few irons in the fire (hopefully). I have applied for more jobs with the Interntaional Rescue Committee but I'm dubious about hearing anything back from them. I know God will help us find something. In the meantime, we heard back today from our car insurance folks and we're going to get our deductible back from my wreck in May (whoo-hoo!). That takes a little pressure off, which we like.

We've been able to meet some neighbors in our complex. A few people who own dogs let them run around and play in the evenings and Alex and I have joined the club. It's actually really exciting. I went over and chatted with Susan and Richard tonight who both work at Scarborough Fair and teach theatre. They're really fun people and I'm excited about getting to know people who live so close! Yay!

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