Thursday, January 1, 2009

Starting off the New Year with junk food....

That's right, folks. Alex and I had my high school buddies Chris and Joe (with minor appearances by Emily and Benjamin) over for a small New Year's celebration. Instead of trying to guess what they wanted to eat, once everyone got here, we drove to WalMart and I instructed the boys to buy what they wanted. We ended up with a cartful of microwave burritos, pizzas, chicken wings, chips, Cokes, and some awesome garlic toast. Needless to say, I hope that our menu last night is not indicative of our diet for this year. When it actually became 2009, we were wwatching Casino Royale and I just happened to glance at the clock. It seems like the older we get, the less exciting and more tiring New Year's becomes. Oh well, Alex and I look forward to 2009 as we continue to find our niche in Dallas. We are excited about what God is doing and can't wait to see how He continues to work.

Christmas was very very relaxing. Alex took the last of his vacation so he had a whole week and a half off. It was nice to have him home! We had a small celebration with the Wise family before Christmas. My family came from Abilene and stayed with us. Alex and I took them rock climbing. Each time we go, I am impressed by Alex's ability to scale the walls so quickly. He (and my sister) is a natural!

The actual Christmas celebration was in Fort Worth at my Grandmother's. It was an excellent time to visit with my family. We did a Chinese gift exchange, had a huge delicious lunch, went caroling, and some of us participated in the cinnamon challenge, where you try to swallow a tablespoonful of cinnamon. None of us completed it but we have some really funny pictures ( Then Alex and I went back to Abilene where we stripped wallpaper in my parents' kitchen.

Now, we're pretty much back to the grind but it's okay. It's nice to be back in the routine of things.

I hope that your holidays were just as wonderful as ours. Let us know how you are!

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