Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dog Park vs. The Man

That's right. We got a note on our door this week telling us that we will incur a $25 fine if our dogs are off the leash, which basically menas that our complex is trying to kill dog park. BUT I called an emergency (top secret) dog park meeting at our place yesterday and 8 of us got together and discussed our various options. We are going to meet with our apartment manager tomorrow morning to discuss our proposal of a temporary fence that we could put up and take down so that we can actually still get together in the evenings. I'll let you know how it goes. I might make a powerpoint presentation to show how serious we are about our dog park time.

Here's what's new. I am in the process of interviewing for a teaching assistant position at a women's shelter here in Dallas. Just this past year, they started a school that is inside the shelter for students who do not have the documentation yet to be enrolled in public schools. The class size is average 5-6 (with a certified teacher AND an assistant!). I would be responsible for helping tutor and mentor these kids while they're in the midst of a really tough, transitory time. I had my first round of interviews last Thursday and it went really well. I am going to have my second round on Monday at 11am. I'm very excited about this job because......

Alex wants to get his MBA, preferably as a fulltime student. If I got this job at the women's shelter, I would be the breadwinner (can I get a woot, woot!?!) and Alex would work part time and go to school full time. This is exciting cause then Alex wouldn't have to work at stinky ole' Frito Lay anymore. Whee! What a great and exciting time for us! We'll definitely keep you posted!

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