Sunday, July 27, 2008
A Trip to the Lake; Being the Hands and Feet
We got to meet lots of interesting people. Whites, blacks, Hispanics, Indians, homosexuals, old people, young people. We like White Rock Lake and the diverse group of people that are there. It's interesting to see and know that regardless, we all need Christ. I believe the only reason that this outing was so successful was because of the prayer that went into it. We are not out there earning brownie points. We are not the focus. God gave Himself the glory, and I thank Him for that.
One thing that sticks out in my mind is how the Spirit moved and had total strangers opening up their hearts to us. I think it shows a lot about mankind these days. How they are hurting, lost, and wanting answers. How they long for fellowship, but need it with the Father to be truly satisfied. We got to pray with one couple who just moved here from Tennessee. She shared with us how her daughter may be pregnant, her son being blind in one eye, and her now being cancer free. Many wanted to know if we would be back next week. I really hope so. It would be great to make this a regular thing at a particular place and time. I think it would really help us build a relationship with people, who often come on a regular basis themselves. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us. We love you.
"And Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.'" John 6:35
Friday, July 25, 2008
The Great Smoky....Hills
We stopped at the Welcome Center in almost every state we visited. In Arkansas, we found a brochure for a flea market called Carrie's. It sounded cool so we went to Little Rock to find it. It wasn't cool. But...I did pick up this creepy doll form that makes Alex squirm. It is currently being used as a hat rack.
I was expecting to see alot of devastation from Katrina but we really didn't see that much (and we even got lost and drove around in neighborhoods). After New Orleans, we drove straight through to Houston and stayed with my grandparents. We were very glad to be back in Texas.
This was a really good trip for us. It was just the break Alex needed from work and we had alot of fun together. See! I told you I would get them up!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Right the Wrong
Tonight, Alex and I had the NBC news on while we were doing chores and such, and I happened to catch a story covering a peace organization in Israel that had given 100 Palestinians video cameras. They showed some of the footage that had been captured. The most upsetting was a scene where two elderly Palestinians were planting seeds in their field when four masked Israeli settlers with clubs approached. I looked away as they began to beat the old people with their clubs. My heart ached so much that I had a physical reaction.
Probably the most memorable moment of my trip to Syria is the walk-through that we did of the Palestinian neighborhood in Damascus. I was struck by the sense of injustice that had pushed these people out of their homes. I left remembering that whatever the Western media said needed to be taken with a grain of salt because there was a side of the story that was being ignored. An upsetting part of the news broadcast tonight was the reminder that it seems the world is against these people. They are the underdogs.
I don't know what God has planned for Alex and I but He has given me a burden for these people. I don't know how to help them but I know that He has called me to it. My prayers are with them.
Seek justice
Encourage the oppressed.
Defend the cause of the fatherless,
Plead the case of the widow.
Isaiah 1:17
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Gracie's Bad Day
You'll have to excuse her body language in the picture, as she's just gotten in trouble for making a very costly mistake. She also pooped on the floor this morning, so really it's just been a rotten day for her. What better way to end it than to wear a dress lovingly picked out by your obsessive owner?
Hopefully, this will satisfy my need to clothe my canine. Alex and I want to buy a house and we're saving for that all-important down payment, so dog clothing isn't really in the budget. I'm going to start pawning my stuff on ebay this afternoon.
We got our 35mm pictures back from Tennessee, so you can be expecting an exciting photo diary coming soon.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Our 2000 mile roadtrip
ALSO, I have applied for a job at IRC (International Refugee Committee) in Dallas. Basically, I would be a case manager for new refugees during their resettlement process. It would be an amazing opportunity to show God's love to people who really need it. I'll keep you posted if I hear anything about it. Please be praying that His will would be done. Let us know how you are doing!