Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nibbles and Tidbits

No groundbreaking events have taken place lately in our lives but I could share a few things...

-For those of you who don't know, Alex bought this 7-11 slurpee cup on their 25th (or 75th?) anniversary. It is one of those 1000 oz cups that changes color when you put cold stuff in it and you can get a 99 cent refill for the rest of the cup's life. Well, Alex doesn't let any liquid touch his lips unless it comes from this hideous goblet, which also means that it only gets washed when I can steal it away for the 30 seconds it takes to actually put soap in it. Alex is sleeping right now, so I just washed it. Do you know what I found at the bottom? It looks like pink cake batter. Unless Alex has been mixing dough for a wedding cake in his mug, I'm pretty sure that washing his cup should not involve having to scrape dough off my sponge. Ew.

-I bought a skateboard cause my buddy Katie and I want to be hardxcore. We were going to learn how to longboard but they cost about $100 used and I decided that I would rather not spend that much money on something that could possibly kill me. So, I decided on a skateboard. However, before you decide that I eat nails for breakfast and I will punch you if you ask me how I'm doing, please consider these few things:
- I did not push a little skater kid down and steal his ride. I bought this at a mall. And not just any mall, but Stonebriar Mall, which is in Frisco and is marketed to upper middle class soccer moms and wealthy yuppies. If the employees at the trendy clothing store Fossil look at you carrying around your skateboard that's still in the box like you're a poser, you have a long way to go.
- As Alex and I stepped out of Dillards to go to the car, we both had the same idea. I should ride my new toy, (ahem, I mean land surfer) to the car, for practice. So we ripped the box off and I, still holding my purse and wearing flip flops, step onto the board. Within .4 milliseconds of letting go for Alex, the board shoots across the parking lot without me on it. Unfortunately, it is hard to ride a skateboard when you have fallen hard on your butt and think your ankle might be broken. There was a man sitting in a truck apparently waiting for someone when we stepped out, but after this shameful fiasco, he put his truck in reverse and left. I would say that this wipes out any HARDxCORE attributes I had prior to this purchase.
- HOWEVER, if I can in fact learn to stay on the board longer than it takes me to blink, I will do things like let Gracie pull me or hold onto a rope that is attached to Alex's bike. These dangerous activities will require more accessories though- helmet, elbow pads, wrist guards, knee pads, and a neck brace. I guess I will never really be hard, but I think I am okay with that.

- I have training for the Girl Scouts job on Thursday and my grant writing class starts next Wednesday, so my life is moving forward. Yay!

- Alex and I may be the Appetizers for a progressive dinner at our apartment complex on Saturday. Our funny neighbors thought it would be a good time, and we agreed! We'll let you know if it actually happens, so you can be praying for us.
(EDIT: Alex and I will not actually be the Appetizers, as our neighbors are not cannibals. We will simply provide chips and hotsauce. That is all)

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