Saturday, September 13, 2008

Progressive times at the Wise house

So, I had my first official training for Girl Scouts on Thursday. It was finally nice to somewhat be able to answer the question, "What are you going to be doing?" The people were lovely. The women in my program are around my age, so that is just dang exciting. I might actually have friends that I met on my own! at my job! Yeah!

Basically, what we're going to be doing is a six week program that teaches leadership, communication, and self confidence to "at risk" junior high girls during their gym class. We work in teams, so there is always at least two of us. I talked to a girl who worked in my particular program last year and she said it was tough work cause we could have upwards of 70 girls in one class period (WHAT?). After hearing this fact, I had a daydream that I was being punched in the face by an angry, aggressive junior high girl. Also, because it is in their gym class, they are essentially being forced to participate so we have that going for us. All in all, our program goal is 4500 girls by the end of the year.

That being said, this will be a definite test of my perseverance. There will be good days and there will be horrible days. Usually, at the first sign of horrible-ness, I have an overwelming urge to quit. Discipline is the reason I'm not a teacher. I'm simply not good at it- I either get flustered, intimidated, mad or a combination of all three. However, I got some good advice from a friend who has worked in similar situations and I'm going to try and practice being patient and loving.

Girl Scouts is a secular organization and they stressed how important it was that we respect everyone's religious beliefs, so my light is going to have to shine in different ways. It should be really really good for me. I'm very nervous and very excited all at once.

Tonight, Alex and I participated in a progressive dinner with some neighbors who we've gotten to know because we all have dogs. Alex and I did the appetizers, then we had beef stroganoff, and key lime pie at two different apartments. It was so much fun! They are all fascinating people (We dined with the King of Scarborough Faire and a Countess, too). One of them has a girl in the 6th grade and she and I are going to PetCo to look at dog costumes. Hopefully, I will be able to build a relationship with her. Everyone agreed that we should do it again and I'm already looking forward to it!

AND Alex and I went to a training meeting for the IRC about mentoring a refugee family. We got to pick an area of the world (guess where we picked) and the recruiter said there are alot of Iraqi families who were middle management in the government that have been chased from their homes. Most of them speak English. I'm SUPER excited about this. We spend two hours a week with the family, teaching them cultural things and showing them practical things like using the bus system or shopping at the grocery store. I'm already planning on taking them to the State Fair and possibly one of my little cousin's football games. Ooh-whee! Exciting times.


Anonymous said...

don't worry.

getting punched in the face by an angry junior high girl isn't as bad as one would think...

yay, girlscouts!

it's gonna be great.

Youspeakenglish? said...

Oh, you know I've always craved a black eye with a cool story behind it...